
3 reasons to fire up your core strength with yoga & pilates

Avoid back pain, boost yourself mentaly & impress your friends!

Have you reached a stage in your life where you know you could be feeling a bit better? Less achy, less pain in your back and joints and more connected with your body & mind? Perhaps it’s crunch time (pun intended) and you’re ready to do something positive about it and fuel a new thirst for life.

We’ve all seen the over photoshopped adverts for toning and achieving a rock-solid core; a six pack that would make your friends envious, tied in with a string of promises to feel stronger, sexier and almost unbreakable. These messages can often feel pressurising, unrealistic, and out of reach – and put us off making steps towards a ‘stronger you’ before we even start the hard work. But there are reasons – albeit less glamorous but very real ones, to improve your core strength, which have nothing to do with getting a six pack.

Here are 3 Reasons to improve your core strength and regain your zest for your life:

1 Say Goodbye to Back Pain

All you need is a real life situation, like not being able to pick your kids up for fear of hurting your back or struggling to focus at work because your back pain has got so bad, to know you’re due some spinal TLC. And the evidence is in: Strength work and stretching, the things people just like you do every week in our yoga and pilates classes, can help to reduce back pain. It reached the front page of The Times & The Daily Telegraph recently that these natural solutions are being recommended instead of over-the-counter painkillers and it’s about time. Plank pose, Boat and Cobra are all good ways to strengthen your core and back muscles.

2 Give Yourself a Boost Mentally

When you start to look after yourself physically, and improve your core strength, you can’t help but feel better mentally too. For example, you can run for a bus like never before (or that you can remember), your posture improves and people start noticing ‘how well you look’ – these achievements can’t help but lift your mood and put a smile on your face, and quite right too! Try it for yourself and very quickly you’ll notice the impact a few rounds of sun salutations and core sequences have on your mood, as well as posture and energy levels throughout the whole day.

3 Learn a New Party Trick

Yoga and Pilates isn’t all serious you know? We mix more intense workouts with fun and challenging sequences, like building up towards Crow balance, practising Half Moon pose with or without the support of a wall and flying like a superhero in Warrior 3/Flying Warrior! Enjoy the journey, the falls and triumphs and the prospect of taking your latest ‘proud yoga moment’ down the pub or to a social gathering to impress your friends – it’s sure to get a “wow” or a chuckle at least.

Forget about the six pack if that’s not what you’re after, and just concentrate on feeling good physically and mentally. Are you feeling motivated? Good! So get onto a mat and do it for yourself and all the people in your life who rely on you being at 100% – making space in your diary for meaningful “you time” will increase your wellbeing and help you find mental, as well as physical strength, and confidence that spreads into every aspect of your life…so let’s do it together!

If you’re not sure where to start, review our beginner-friendly classes here – please contact us on 0151 236 7620 / [email protected] – our friendly team would love to answer any questions you have and can tell you all about the different classes we offer so you can find the perfect one for you!


You have all these muscles – learn how to use them and feel amazing!

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I would definitely recommend it. You go at you own pace and there are always options for everyone, no matter what level you are. You only have to try it once!


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