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Not everything that counts can be counted!

In today’s data driven world, do you ever find yourself fixated on what you can measure? With your wellbeing this might be counting your steps, tracking calories burned, or minutes meditated.

While these metrics are valuable, they only capture part of the story.

What about the sense of community created through the shared experience of a group yoga class? The mental clarity gained from a mindful walk in nature? Or how proud of ourselves we feel for getting out to exercise, when we could have easily stayed in bed.

These benefits, though harder to quantify, are perhaps even more important and beneficial to our overall wellbeing.

In fact, constantly focusing on improvement – running a faster time, pushing for a more challenging exercise class – can sometimes be detrimental. Is constant improvement even realistic, or  a good idea – aren’t we all getting older all the time? Maybe an ‘off day’ every so often something to be appreciated and enjoyed as it makes us human?

A relentless pursuit of progress can lead to feelings of disappointment and failure if we do not continually improve, and you might lose sight of the wellbeing boost and relaxation that exercise should bring.

Exercise and movement offer so much more than physical fitness. They connect us with others, reduce stress, boost our mood, and enhance our mental resilience. These intangibles, while elusive to track, are essential to a balanced and fulfilling life.

So next time you consider your wellbeing routine, remember to value the unmeasurable!

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I would definitely recommend it. You go at you own pace and there are always options for everyone, no matter what level you are. You only have to try it once!


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