Habits – we all have them! But that’s no reason to keep them…
When you wake up, what’s the first drink you choose? Green tea? Great! Water? Great! Coffee? Sadly, not so great!
A little science behind this…
So, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol, this hormone can course us to feel stressed when we have high levels of it being produced, however there’s no reason to fear it, we do need natural levels of it to function properly!
The bodies heightened production times of cortisol are early morning, mid day and in the evening. If you are drinking a coffee around these times, then not only will it cause you to feel more stressed in the short term, but it actually begins to prohibit the natural flow of our cortisol, causing you to become immune to the affects of the caffeine in the long run! In effect, caffeine replaces the boost we would ordinarily get from cortisol rather than supplementing it.
The best times to drink a coffee are when our cortisol levels drop and you need a pick me up. So around 10am and 2pm would be a good time!
As you can see, we aren’t saying coffee is bad for you, depending on what you put in it (sugar, sweeter etc not being good of course) you can gain a lot of nutrients from a good nutritional coffee. Just make sure you aren’t overdoing it and more importantly not starting your day off with one if you can help it.
Why not try a glass of cold water and a slice of lemon? A herbal tea? They are great for digestion and will leave you feeling really refreshed!
Set yourself a challenge for 2 weeks – replace your morning coffee with a glass of cold lemon water and see how different you feel!!
Take care 🙂
The Yin Yan Team