Great to be working with the team at Capital & Centric (yes that’s me on the front page of their website!) – now we’re providing free Pilates, Yoga & stress-busting meditations to Tempest tenants.
Some fantastic responses from occupiers yesterday as I gave out their free class passes “wow, the landlord cares about more than just collecting the rent?!”
Landlords can’t afford not to take corporate wellbeing and the health of their occupiers seriously – how can it not be in their best interests to look after the concerns of their tenants?
Some people don’t think that whose who work in offices etc. are going to be interested in going to a yoga or stress-busting meditation class before work or at lunchtime – the numbers in our classes suggest differently, 10 in for meditation yesterday (and we hadn’t even handed out the cards yet!)
Get with the times or get left behind.