Where can I book?
It helps us if you book online but you can call 0151 236 7620 to reserve your mat or email [email protected] – or just turn up and pay cash! Please note that we only accept cash payments at class. If you want to speak to us about anything at all, for example to discuss a medical condition/injury please get in touch – we want to help!
Do I need to book or can I just turn up?
We recommend that you book in advance to reserve your mat (a mat is guaranteed with every online booking). You can just drop in and pay cash too and as long as we’ve got a mat free it’s yours! Or feel free to bring your own mat.
What do I need to bring?
Just a bottle of water and yourself! We provide the teacher and your yoga mat (unless you’re bringing your own). Please arrive changed and ready for practice (you don’t need to get changed for the YinYan Band, meditation sessions, talks & workshops).
What should I wear?
You can wear anything comfortable that allows you freedom of movement. We don’t care if you have fancy ‘yoga’ / branded clothes and neither should you. Classes are generally done in bare feet, but socks and an extra layer can be handy during a relaxation meditation at the end of your class. For meditation classes most come in their work clothes as you spend most of the time sitting/lying down on our mats.
When should I arrive?
Please arrive in plenty of time, between 5 and 15 minutes before the class start, so you can check in with the teacher and settle onto your mat. Classes will start on time and latecomers may not be able to join the session.
What facilities are there – can I get changed there?
We are a pop up company and there are limited changing or storage facilities so it’s best to arrive changed and ready to practice. In most cases there will be a toilet available.
What does a YinYan class involve?
Classes are between 40 and 60 minutes and each one is unique! Yoga classes usually begin with an introduction and maybe a short relaxation that allows everybody the chance to settle down and get present; then after a warm up you will be guided through some postures/asanas, which are yoga based movements and stretches with breathing exercises; before ending with a short guided relaxation meditation. Pilates is a series of exercises designed to strengthen your core muscles, you will warm up and then be guided through a series of flowing movements designed to tone your waist, stabilise your core and help to protect your back.
Modifications and adjustments are offered for beginners or people with health issues – you must let your teacher know at the start of class so we can help look after you. Some classes might involve more flowing movements, and others might be a bit slower and more meditative. If you click on a class or teacher on the class schedule you will be able to see more information.
Where is my YinYan studio?
Our classes take place in venues all over, if you’re interested in having a class in your building then please get in touch. We also provide classes on behalf of employers, if you’re lucky enough to have an employer who really cares about your wellbeing then you will be notified by them.
What if I’ve never done it before?
Good!!! Beginners are at the heart of YinYan – you have so much to gain! All our classes are non-competitive so there is no need to feel concerned about being new in the class, lots of other people will be in the same boat and our teachers are there to make you feel welcome. There is usually a mixture of ages and abilities in a class, you will be encouraged to honour your own body by modifying any poses or taking a break where necessary to ensure that you practice safely.
I can’t touch my toes, I’m stiff and unfit, can I do it?
Yes – you are a perfect student if you are willing to try! Everyone worries about not knowing what to do when you start, but there’s no need – that’s what we’re there to teach you! You may find that some things need to be modified by using various props (like a rolled up yoga mat or a block) to ensure it is safe for your individual body. Certain movements and exercises may not be suitable for you and you should let us and your teacher know if you have any concerns.
What if I have health issues, can I still do yoga?
If you have a health condition you should seek medical advice from your GP before coming to the class – always discuss this with us and your teacher. In the majority of instances you can still attend and practise safely. We do not recommend yoga if you are fasting, have a fever, are pregnant (and have not been practising yoga regularly for 6 months), or if you have recently undergone chemotherapy. See what the NHS have to say about yoga.
Is yoga for men too?
Yoga is for everyone so yes of course they can! In addition to the benefits of the breathing and meditation practice, yoga is a full-body workout that creates both strength and flexibility. It strengthens muscles in the lower back and knees, and also stretches out the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders, often tight in men.
I’m not very spiritual, does that matter?
Yoga is not a religion. Most classes provide a little philosophy with the physical practice and it is up to the individual as to whether they take the philosophy on board.
What if I’m too old?
You are never too old!
What if I’m too young?
The minimum age for our classes is 16 years old (16-18 years must be accompanied in the class by an adult). Please email us before you come in if you have any questions.
What you can expect from yoga (from the British wheel of yoga)
Everyone is practising yoga! Yoga is the union of body & mind and has been practised for thousands of years. The practice develops strength, flexibility and stamina – at a physical and mental level. At its simplest, yoga is an efficient, safe and controlled method of exercise. Flexibility is increased, strength improved, stamina developed and basic posture corrected through a variety of stretches and movements. As well as toning muscles and extending the range of movement in the joints, the postures also benefit the body internally; stimulating organs, glands and nerves. Yoga lowers stress by developing relaxation and breathing techniques. As physical well-being and bodily awareness improve, together with deeper breathing and an ability to relax more easily, there is an increase in energy levels, greater mental clarity and a general feeling of calmness and control. Yoga isn’t always easy, but it is very rewarding!
How is yoga different to other forms of exercise?
Unlike other types of fitness classes, yoga is more than just physical exercise. You will learn to connect the body and mind using the breath. By practising regularly in this way you may start to notice habitual thoughts and patterns, deepening your awareness of the self and your relationship with the present moment. Yoga is not a destination, it is a practice – the awareness that we cultivate is something to work towards, not a task to complete or a box to tick.